The next appointment of #MissioneNonni, dedicated to sharing memories, will take place on Monday, May 18 in live streaming on YouTube (11-12). How do you use a microphone and video camera? How do you memorise and organise photos? How do you produce video stories?
Thanks to teacher Cristiana Zambon [@ritaglidiclasse], children can help grandparents to conserve their memories in digital storage devices and then transform images and voices into stories to share through simple apps. The “family format” course is organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale for the TIM Maestri d'Italia Initiative. With the help of technology, elders can feel closer to and keep in touch with others during this period of social distancing for the health emergency.
Children from seven primary schools will be on mission next week:
- Classes 3-5 at the Istituto comprensivo Via Poppea Sabina in Rome, directed by Stefania Forte;
- Classes 3° and 3B at the Salvo D'Acquisto School, Class 5° at the Puccini School, and the Viale Opita Oppio School of the Istituto comprensivo Viale dei Consoli 16 in Rome with Headmistress Alessia Lo Bosco and the teachers;
- Class 3C at the Don Albera School of the Istituto comprensivo Rita Levi Montalcini in Rome, with Headmistress Maria Pia Foresta and teachers Cinzia and Annalisa;
- Class 2B at the San Biagio School of the Istituto comprensivo in Codogno with teacher Luisa;
- Class 2A at the Istituto comprensivo in Cernobbio with teacher Emilia Bianchi
We welcome teacher Emilia and her 22 young digital agents in Cernobbio.
"My name is Emilia. I’m a teacher at the Cernobbio Primary School a little town on the Como Lake. Curious by nature, I have worked on digital issues and organised the Grandparents on the Internet Course involving over 130 year-five students over the course of the years and about 80 over-60s with whom I have kept in touch via social media.
I have been lucky to find a fantastic colleague, Sabatina, who helps me every day, and administrators who believe in me and have allowed me lots of leeway for experimentation, like Headmistress Maria Teresa Callipo. Now, I have a fantastic team of 22 students, young but curious and never satisfied, always desiring for more, just like me. And I must thank their families who also help … given the challenge that has been launched. And we love challenges!
On Monday 18, we will all be connected to the TIM Channel to become expert tutors for our grandparents who spend so much time with us!”
Information on the missions accomplished by our daring digital agents can be sent by teachers, parents or other relatives to Moreover, you can use the same address for questions or suggestions, as well as attaching drawings or anything else you wish to share with Cristiana Zambon or the other young teachers participating in Maestri d'Italia.
All sessions are recorded and available on the TIM YouTube Channel. Click on "Nonno sei vicino, anche se sei distante" to see the first lesson, “Nonno online, che passione!” for the second and Aiuto nonno a tenersi informato for the third. The fourth is Nonno diventa social.
Upcoming Appointments
- May 18 - Conservare e condividere i ricordi
- May 25 - Nonno è in casa, ma non si fa mancare niente!