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The club is located in the Latte Dolce neighbourhood in Sassari (Sardinia), a disadvantaged suburb. “I decided to open to the club in this area, because they really need us here,” explains Francesco Frisciano, President of Anteas Sassari.“We strive to help people with social assistance projects. Our members don’t only need basic survival items, but also human warmth and friendship, especially the elderly and most emarginated.”
The programme of Nonni SUD Internet promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale provides a good solution to the needs expressed by elders. It concentrates on digital literacy and fights social exclusion. Learning how to use a computer is fundamental to contrast marginalization and obtain full inclusion in contemporary society.
Besides the basic courses, in Sassari, 7 out of 50 elders delved deeper into the subject with the advanced Master Course - Nonni SUD Internet. Together with Vittoria, a retired teacher working as a volunteer, the elders have become senior volunteers that help their peers at the Internet Corner of the elderly centre.
Nonni Sud Internet is promoted by the FMD in collaboration with Auser and Anteas and the support of the Fondazione Con il Sud as part of the Special and Innovative Project action line.