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Selection for 4 More Teams

Selection for 4 More Teams

Selection for 4 More Teams

The hackathon scheduled today at  IIS Croce-Aleramo will take place with the same formula adopted last Monday at IIS G. Feltrinelli in Milano, the challenge won by Team CheapTech. The team, composed by GabrieleGiuseppeGabrieleSamuele and Martina, conceived SafeZone, an intelligent speed bump [see news: 5GSchool Winners].



The two hackathons held in Milan and Rome are the key events of Project 5G4School, which challenges students to develop concrete projects with the competences acquired through the courses promoted with the Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericcson.


Today, four more teams will be selected for the second phase of Project 5G4School: the Phyrtual Factory Youth Accelerator, where the teams will be helped to develop their projects for the final phase at Romecup 2019 (April 3), where the best projects will receive awards. 


Hackathon 5G4School

Rome, March 7, 2019 – 9:00 am

IIS Croce-Aleramo,




9.00 am| Welcome

  • Alessandro Pellegrini, Headmaster, IIS Croce Aleramo


9.05 am| Hackathon Agenda, Rules and Teams

  • Agenda of the day
  • Hackathon Rules and Schedule
  • Composition of Teams 


9.20 am| Project Team Work


3.00 pm | Presentation of Teams


5.00 pm | Pitches, Selection and Awards

  • Team Pitches
  • Voting
  • Awards



  • Alessio Zagaglia, Secretary General, Fondazione Lars Magnus Ericsson
  • Alessandro Pellegrini, Headmaster, IIS Croce Aleramo
  • Elisa Amorelli, Communications and Social Marketing Manager, Fondazione Mondo Digitale
  • Fabio Casu, Innovation Manager, Coach


The four teams selected for the accelerator at the Milan event: CheapTech11231CorpDomus and Nameless.


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