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Search Engines: Privacy Risks

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Search Engines: Privacy Risks

Search Engines: Privacy Risks

Trust aWare Blog: a new contribution by CNRS

Is it possible for private search engines to preserve user confidentiality while depending on traditional advertising platforms? Four researchers,  Salim ChouakiOana GogaHamed Haddadi and Peter Snyder, started from this question to understand the operation of private search engines (DuckDuckGo, Startpage and Qwant), created as an alternative to traditional ones, such as Google or Bing, to avoid user tracking.

The researchers tested the privacy properties of these alternative search engines by examining how they worked in three different situations:

  • when they present search ads to users
  • when a user clicks on an ad
  • when the user arrives on the advertiser's page.

What conclusions did they reach? We suggest you read the summary of the original contribution presented by researchers from the National Centre for Scientific Research at the ACM Internet Measurement Conference 2023 in Montreal in October. You can find it on the Trust aWare Blog.

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