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The Scoop on School


The Scoop on School

The Scoop on School


The Scuola Possibile magazine made its web - - in December 2007 but it had been hatching an idea for a long time: allowing school to be portrayed from the inside in order to catch all emotions, reflections and experiments, especially those made by teachers.
Here’s a brief excerpt from its first editorial:
"The Scuola Possibile aims to be a meeting place, not a showcase; a comfortable lounge in which to discuss experiences, not a supermarket. It is a virtual meeting point for professionals who have carefully chosen their most significant work or personal experiences and have decided to transfer their conclusions to others or provide them with the instruments or services they needs to satisfy a similar specific interests. Those who gather here are mostly teachers – but not only! – who have decided to share their experiences because they feel not only that they may help other teachers, but also that their experiences may help further reflections and ideas to mature."
The news desk trained its critical eye on the Global Junior Challenge and prepared reports, photographs, interviews and reviews of the salient events. The crew was integrated with young reporters from the "R. Rossellini" Rome School for Cinematography and Television.

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