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School for School


School for School

School for School


Seven schools (six from Rome and one from Fiuggi) responded to the Call for Hostesses and Stewards to manage reception and assistance during the three-day RomeCup 2011 event, thanks to the agreement of teachers and administrators. The formula for this type of diffused staff, which has already been successfully tested in other events, is very fruitful and consolidates collaboration between the FMD and schools, even in terms of job search. There also were a lot of foreign students amongst this year’s staff, who were able to help visitors in various languages. This multi-cultural staff works efficiently with a small team of supporters (IT technicians and tutors) that the FMD has trained in the reception centres for refugees and immigrants in Casalotti and Pietralata.
The seven schools involved in the reception activities:
  • I.P.S. "T. Confalonieri"
  • I.I.S. "J. Piaget"
  • I.I.S. "L. Pirelli"
  • I.T.T. "C. Colombo"
  • I.P.S.C. "G. Verne"
  • I.I.S. "G. Falcone"
  • I.P.S.S.E.O.A. "M. Buonarroti" di Fiuggi
This year, the challenge for the reception squad was particularly challenging as there were many participants (more than 2000 students attended the laboratories), different locations (Itis Galilei and Di Donato Schools and the Campidoglio) and a vast range of participants (from primary school students to university professors, from researchers to multi-national managers).
The students in the reception squad also helped as interpreters at the various stands. And many of them shined for their ability to find solutions to a variety of needs and situations. The success of the RomeCup is all about teamwork and on-line collaboration amongst different realities. A working school is always the leader.

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