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School, IOT and Industry 4.0

School, IOT and Industry 4.0

School, IOT and Industry 4.0

According to the international Tomorrow Jobs Study, 65% of today’s students will work on jobs that do not exist yet. From Augmented Reality Experts to Social Media Strategy, from Data Scientists to Reputation Managers, in 30 years, the Internet has constantly created new professions, organisational models and styles of life. The web and Wi-Fi have given rise to the digital nomads that work in any corner of the globe. What is the impact on citizen’s quality of life? Building smart cities is not enough, we require “sensible” cities that can provide answers to the needs and desires of people. And 70% of Millennials dream of working in a purposeful company, an objective-oriented enterprise.


Today, Wednesday, October 5, at 10 am at the Phyrtual Innovation gym (Rome, Via del Quadraro 102), the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Cisco launch "IoT Phyrtual Innovation Gym,” an original educational project that will help thousands of Italian students to learn how to tackle the challenges posed by the economy and the job market.


Project "IoT Phyrtual Innovation Gym” is part of a $100 million investment by Cisco that will last two and a half years and involve 20,000 upper school students, providing them with the skills necessary to undertake a career in the technology sectors.


Moderator: Giampaolo Colletti, author "Wwworkers," Gruppo24Ore



  • Piero Dominici, University of Perugia
  • Damien Lanfrey, Minister’s Technical Secretariat, MIUR
  • Luca Lepore, Networking Academy Manager, Cisco
  • Flavia Marzano, Roma Capitale Councillor
  • Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale


Students and teachers who have chosen to accept the challenge of experimenting with school 4.0 to align it with the so-called Industry 4.0 will be present at the event.


The event is part of the first edition of the Phyrtual Innovation Week (Oct. 3-8, Phyrtual Innovation Gym and Campidoglio), a week of events will bring together experts to debate with decision makers and managers to discover the best didactic practices, experiment with innovative tools, and learn about the new environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.


Full Programme of the Phyrtual Innovation Week


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