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The School of the Future

The School of the Future

The School of the Future

According to a recent OECD survey (2019), the use of ICT practices in class is the second area in which teachers feel they need continuous courses. In OECD countries, according to the TALIS 2018 survey, only 43% of teachers feels adequately prepared to use didactic technology in class.


The answer is lifelong learning for teachers …


Yesterday, the Corriere delle comunicazioni, an on-line digital economic daily, published an article by Andrea Ranelletti on Project CanVass+, the products it has developed and especially its video editor and MOOC[see also: press note].



Digital didactics: lifelong learning for teachers is key

by Andrea Ranelletti, Researcher and Project Coordinator for ERIFO

CorCom, July 30, 2020

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