The issue of psychological distress is back in the news after the approval by the Constitutional Affairs Commission for a psychological bonus in the so-called “Milleproroghe” Bill. The government will provide 20 million euro: 10 to reinforce existing structures and 10 destined to individual citizens. Citizens may request up to €600/year as a therapy bonus (based on their ISEE). So, what was the impact of the pandemic on the mental wellbeing of adolescents? How aware is the educational community of the suffering of adolescents during the pandemic?
“Thanks to Factor J, I was able to learn more about two issues that I feel are very important: depression and mental issues. These are issues that affect many of my peers, although not many pay any attention to them. Often, no one notices that they are suffering, or if they do, it’s too late. I’ve met people who have had very serious problems and regret their actions.”
The impact of depression on school is described by Laura, 17, one of the young ambassadors for Project Factor J, promoted with Janssen Italia. Laura attends the Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi in Bologna and wants to study to become a doctor.
“Luckily there are initiative like Factor J, which has allowed me to increase my understanding of these issues,” explains Laura. “Speaking about depression and mental issues has been very useful to us. It has helped us to acquire tools to listen and help those who are suffering.”
This type of experience is shared by other students. In fact, Jama Pediatrics estimates that one out of four young men and women suffer from depression and 1 out of 5 has symptoms of anxiety. And both are on the rise after the pandemic. So, is it difficult to grow up in a difficult context like that of the pandemic? “Unfortunately, I must say yes,” adds Laura.
Together with other Factor J ambassadors, Laura is working on the drafting of a “Health Manifesto.” This is a collaborative document in which students define the principles that should guide the scientific world in communicating progress and discoveries. “The key word of the Manifesto will be empathy,” adds Laura. “Thanks to Project Factor J, we learned that it is indispensable in relations.”