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School at the Centre

School at the Centre

School at the Centre

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale is amongst the main protagonists. It has been working for nearly twenty years to contrast phenomena related to educational poverty and school dropouts. The “Phyrtual Innovation Gym” model is a clear example of this. These are meeting spaces that provide didactic tools, all kinds of labs, from fab labs to robotics labs, and experiential environments in which everyone can develop their own educational programme, independently and creatively.


Journalist Irene Dominioni interviewed FMD Director General Mirta Michilli for on-line daily Linkiesta.



Beyond Announcements

How to Place Schools back at the Centre of the Village (in Italian)

Physical and digital infrastructure, renewed didactics and the implementation of good practices from the third sector. An integrated strategy can reinvigor education as a social and economic connector, but this requires an organic vision.

by Irene Dominioni

Linkiesta, September 14, 2020


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