We cannot reduce work to mere occupation, and the role of school to that of a placement agency. The objective of school is not to find a job for students, but to educate citizens with a strong work culture, part of our constitutional pact of civil coexistence. Schools must educate a new generation of individuals who understand that true work means lifelong learning. Just learning a trade is no longer enough.
In the new contribution published on the Agenda Digitale magazine , Mirta Michilli, the Director General of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, suggests that we should take a new look at the mental frame that is anchored in a net distinction between school and work as two different and separata conditions of life. How do we do this? By trying to consider school and work as two factors related to a commutative property …
Lifelong Learning
Più scuola nel lavoro, più lavoro nella scuola: ecco la vera formula anti-crisi e come realizzarla (in Italian)
Schools must educate a new generation of individuals who understand that true work means lifelong learning. Just learning a trade is no longer enough. And it will only be by integrating school and work, in any order, that we can solve the most urgent issues of our age.
by Mirta Michilli
Agenda Digitale, November 25, 2021