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Scampia’s Women

Scampia’s Women

Scampia’s Women

The third edition of Coding Girls, the project promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the American Embassy in Italy in collaboration with Microsoft, has given rise to the first Summer School to train new coaches that are capable of virally infecting their peers with enthusiasm. Last summer, 60 young women participated in Milan, Naples and Rome. Now, the young women are at work on an educational project that involves 15 classes in 12 schools for a total of nearly 450 participants.


Today, we are at Scampia with Annalisa Candone and Lucia Petito, who are both determined to become positive models for their classmates and younger girls in Naples. All it took was a phone call to Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], FMD School Innovation Coordinator. Now, Annalisa and Lucia are holding their own first training session, following the format developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


"For Annalisa and Lucia, former students at IIS Galileo Ferraris in Naples, Project Coding Girls has become a true opportunity to gain experience, share ideas, consolidate fundamental skills and test their preparation on the various stops of this coding experience with the help of FMD senior coaches and create new opportunities based on new technologies,” explains Cecilia Stajano.


Here are some quick interviews that Annalisa and Lucia conducted with participants; in particular, Anna and Francesca, both 17 years old.


Ascolta Coding Girls: Francesca, 17 anni, di Scampia" su Spreaker.


Ascolta Coding Girls: Annalisa, 17 anni, di Scampia" su Spreaker.


Cecilia has no doubts: "Girls like Annalisa and Lucia make us proud!”

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