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The Scampia Anti-hero

The Scampia Anti-hero

The Scampia Anti-hero

Louis Gonzales de Riviera aka “Giggino” is funny, honest and idealist. He was born out of the creativity of a 17-year old student at IIS Galileo Ferraris in Naples, Pasquale Bianco.


Giggino is a police agent of Mexican origin who is promoted to head the Police and keep the difficult Scampia Neapolitan neighbourhood under control, an area that is full of “pizza, football, guns and scooters.”


Pasquale is one of the three winners of the Immersive Storytelling Contest, held at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym for the RealD Educational Campaign, the educational campaign for schools promoted by RealD and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.


The students were asked to create a 3D character, draw its portrait and describe its salient characteristics and biography [see news Knowledge and Creativity].



Interviewed by Ana Lain, Pasquale explains how he dreamed up his character and why Scampia does not need superpowers, but studying and determination, to overcome its current state.



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