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Salerno, Europe


Salerno, Europe

Salerno, Europe


The results of the "Salerno Smart" Pilot Project were presented to students of all levels, one again proving how well educational robotics unites and creates social innovation networks.
Salerno deputy Mayor Eva Avossa opened the works by greeting participants and thanking participants for the first edition of the project that exceeded all expected results. Speakers included Ana Lain, Fondazione Mondo Digitale; Michele Baldi, educational robotics expert; Celestino Rocco, school administrator, II CD di Eboli; Maria Galante, Pro-rector of the University of Salerno and Giovanna Tosi, school administrator, IC Salerno V di Ogliara. The morning works were closed by the Mayor of Salerno and Deputy Minister for Infrastructures and Transport Vincenzo De Luca, who spoke to students and participants and visited the various stands where the robots programmed by the students were showcased
"My first sensation was awe,” remarked the Mayor. “Awe and surprise for what these eight-year old students have managed doing! This project is part of the greater Salerno Città Educativa Project that aims to turn Salerno into a full-fledged European city in which children can grow up and find a future.”
Listen to the interview

TV Oggi Salerno interviewed Eva Avossa and Ana Lain at the event.
Watch the report



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