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RomeCup 2023: Champions from Grosseto

Go for broke del Polo tecnologico Manetti Porciatti di Grosseto

RomeCup 2023: Champions from Grosseto

RomeCup 2023: Champions from Grosseto

Introducing the winners of the sixteenth edition

Team Go for Broke from the Polo Tecnologico Manetti Porciatti in Grosseto won the RomeCup 2023  Soccer Open League category and qualified for the RoboCup Junior World Robotics Championships in Bordeaux (France) on July 4-10 [see news:  RomeCup 2023 Winners].

The team, composed by Pietro De Maria and Livio Lorenzoni, students in Year 5 of the Electronics Programme, robotic curvature, was supervised by Prof. Daniele Dattrino (Electronics and Electro-technics) who coordinated the educational robotics programme at the school. 

long article published on the school website presents the Roman adventure of the robotic engineers who also scored a win in the World Robot Olympiad with Mindstorms. 

Claudio Simoni, the Headmaster of the “Manetti Porciatti” school was enthusiastic about the school’s wins. “I must admit that I am very excited about commenting on these wins that are the result of hard work and constant commitment. I would like to congratulate our students on the two teams, the “Go for Broke” Italian champions and Team “Sbucciafili” that  qualified for the national phase of the category. However, my greatest thank you goes to the teachers who have allowed our students to embark on these experiences and reach such important results. Continue like this!” he concludes. “Your achievements are our pride.”


An interview by Onelia Onorati with mentor Daniele Dattrino before the final results of the Campidoglio finals. 


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