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RomeCup 2019 – Day Three

RomeCup 2019 – Day Three

RomeCup 2019 – Day Three

It’s Day Three of RomeCup 2019, the multi-event on robotics, artificial intelligence and life sciences, hosted by the Department of Engineering at the “Roma Tre” University. The day will feature university orientation talks and the final elevator pitches for the second hackathon and the creative contests. Tomorrow, RomeCup moves to the Campidoglio for the final competition phases and the awards ceremony.


  ROMECUP 2019 - APRIL  4


  TALENT TALK | University Orientation

10.00 am – 1.00 pm | “Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering, N6, N7


Organised by “Roma Tre” University

  • 10.00 am - Archeotrack – Development of an extended virtual museum - Benedetto
  • 10.30 am - Industry 4.0 - Panzieri
  • 11.00 am - Deep Learning and Robotics: Recent Developments and Applications - Gasparetti
  • 11.30 am – Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Applications - Carli
  • 12.00 am - In Codice Ratio (Machine Learning) - Firmani      
  • 12.30 am - Earthquakes: Drone Use - De Felice   
  • 1.00 pm – Clinical Engineering - Sciuto


Organised by Università Politecnica delle Marche

  • 10.00 am – Robots in the Abyss – Marine Robotic Applications - David Scaradozzi (Università Politecnica delle Marche) and Elisa Mazzieri, CEO, TALENT srl (innovative start-up)


Organised by Sapienza University of Rome

  • 11.00 am – Advantages and Professional Opportunities of a Computer Science Degree, even in Terms of Gender. A conversation with DIAG Director, Prof. Tiziana Catarci


Organised by Rome “Campus BioMedico” University

  • 12.00 am – How to Become an Industrial Engineer - Pennazza



9– 12 am | “Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering, Carro Ponte Hall

Young Italian Talents of Robotics – Superconnected Robot in collaboration with Invitalia and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa vedi scheda


Awards presented by

  • Marco De Guzzis, Invitalia Market Development and Services Manager
  • Giuseppe Tomei, Head of Open Innovation, LuissEnLabs
  • Davide Barra, Operations Manager, Hubble Acceleration Pro
  • Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director, Fondazione Mondo Digitale



10 am – 1 pm | “Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering, N12

For further information



10 am – 1 pm | “Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering, DS3A - DS3B – N20 – N21 – N22 – N23

Educational Robotics Labs for students and teachers, organised by FMD and partners.

For further information



10 am – 1 pm | “Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering, “Presidenza” Offices


Excellence in Robotics in Italy: companies, universities, research centres, associations and schools promoting the future of young men and women, and the country.

For further information




10 am – 4 pm | “Roma Tre” University, Department of Engineering, N11 – N9 – DS2

13th International “City of Rome” Robotics Trophy

For further information






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