The acquisition of competences is a fundamental step in accelerating the country’s digital transformation. How can we help this process and include the most fragile categories such as elders? Our experience over more than ten years confirms that adolescents can play a strategic role in families, and the data confirms this. A report published by ISTAT in 2016 (Cittadini, imprese e ICT) confirms that the families with the greatest technological know-how are those that include at least one adolescent.
Families with broadband access
However, young students can play a strategic role even outside of their families. This is the central premise of the intergenerational learning model behind Project Grandparents On-line, promoted together with Poste Italiane in 20 Italian cities.
In the video, Mr Gimignano, one of the over-65 students attending the course at IIS Alessandro Volta in Sassuolo (Modena), expresses how satisfied he is by his tutor. He will soon be able to move autonomously amongst the many available on-line services.