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A Roboticist in Class

A Roboticist in Class

A Roboticist in Class

The Fondazione Mondo Digitale and ENI have renewed their alliance and launched the second edition of the original STEAM training course for women (coding, reframing and fabbing). Labs and meetings with role models will introduce the young women to emerging professional roles and areas, with a specific focus on the impact of technology on the energy value chain. The second edition presents a renewed course with two new modules (Energy Fact Check and Mini Joule) and expands its reach to all of Italy.


There will be two appointments next week: a role modelling session with Roboticist Antonella Di Pierro, Software Developer and Team Leader at Masmec spa, and former student at the University of Bari, and a framing and reframing lab.


04.11 | 9.30-11.00 | Role Modelling Session with Antonella Di Pierro | Platform: Microsoft Teams

05.11 3.00-4.30 | Framing & Reframing Webinar | Coach Elisa Chierchiello | Platform: Microsoft Teams


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