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Robotic Recital


Robotic Recital

Robotic Recital


“A group of young scientists participated in the the Costruire le ali (Building Wings) Robotics Project. You surely heard about it because it was covered by all the dailies …”
Twenty-three children from Class 4A of the Istituto comprensivo Viale dei Consoli - Plesso Damiano Chiesa used the Lego WeDo Kit to build a bionic football player prototype that can move its legs in all directions.
Wit the help of teachers Marinella Farini e Donatella Tanzi, the young designers transformed the classic end of year recital into a scientific demonstration and explained how machine language works to the audience. Then, they challenged the parents to participate as coaches …
The amateur video of the event isn’t the best in terms of audio-video, but it perfectly captures the enthusiastic climate of the school community and the fun had by the children.




Project “Building Wings: inclusion of children with communication disorders through educational robotics” is financed by the Regione Lazio. The experimental educational robotics project involves three classes from the Istituto comprensivo Viale dei Consoliin Rome and addresses students with learning disabilities.

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