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Rising Youth at the Milan Digital Week

Rising Youth

Rising Youth at the Milan Digital Week

Rising Youth at the Milan Digital Week

Rising Youth is a project developed in collaboration with SAP Italia, a business leader in IT solutions for enterprises. The objective is to help students acquire and strengthen the digital and soft skills necessary to address challenges and continuous change on the labour market and reflect on the new professional opportunities created by the digital transition.

On October 11 (10:00-12:00), as part of the Milan Digital Week 2024, the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and SAP Italia will present the fourth edition of the project. The presentation event will be held at IIS Schiaparelli-Gramsci and be streamed live to all participating schools.

It will also provide the opportunity for an initial interactive training session with SAP experts to explore the main emerging technology (Business Platform Technology, Chatbot, IoT, Robotic Process Automation, Advanced Analytics, Data Management). Moreover, the event will also present the RomeCup 2025 hackathon.

In order to qualify for the final hackathon (May 7-9, RomeCup25), students will have to present a working prototype and/or video demo presenting its operation.up25) è considerato requisito essenziale che gli studenti presentino un prototipo funzionante e/o una video demo che ne dimostri il funzionamento.  


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