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Renato Brunetti amongst the 100 Top Managers

Renato Brunetti tra giovani talenti

Renato Brunetti amongst the 100 Top Managers

Renato Brunetti amongst the 100 Top Managers

Our President in the Forbes Italia 2024 rankings.

“They founded successful companies, head multinationals, and have had international careers. Once again, Forbes Italia has selected the top 100 men and women who, thanks to innovative, digital and sustainable leadership, have guided their companies towards the challenges of the future” [see: La carica dei 100 manager (in Italian)].

Renato Brunetti, President of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and President and CEO of Unidata, is amongst the top 100 most influential Italian managers. This important recognition underlines the commitment and innovative vision that Brunetti embraces not only in the telecommunications sector, but also at the helm of FMD in the promotion of digital inclusion and social innovation.

With over 30 years of experience in the field of technology, Brunetti represents FMD’s entrepreneurial soul and the use of digital transformation for community service. His leadership, in conjunction with that of Mirta Michilli, FMD Director General and a pioneer in the field of non-profit digital education, is a unique reality in the Italian third sector. Together, they are shaping a model that forges technological excellence with a strong social impact to guarantee that no be left behind in the digitalisation process. Moreover, a further precious contribution is provide by Scientific Director Alfonso Molina, Personal Chair in Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh, especially in the definition of models, tools, and methodologies. At the international level, in Ashoka’s map, Molina is considered one of the most significant innovators because of his strategic vision and application of innovative methodologies to create cutting edge digital education models. 

“The Forbes recognition of Renato Brunetti, President and CEO Unidata, as one of Italy’s most influential managers is not only an award for his career, but also proof of how innovation can become a fundamental level for social inclusion and cohesion,” explains Director General Mirta Michilli. “Together, at the helm of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale ETS, we are working to create a more fair and accessible digital future, especially for the new generations, women, fragile workers, and elders through custom-tailored programmes aiming to bridge the digital divide. We are developing an original governance model that represents a combination of technological and social skills and that will address the challenges of the future, guaranteeing an inclusive and sustainable development for the future generations.”

The governance of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale is an example of how entrepreneurial excellence, innovation, social responsibility and civil commitment (a strong legacy of Tullio De Mauro) can create a concrete and lasting impact. The synergy between profit and non-profit thus becomes key to accelerating innovation in crucial sectors, demonstrating that collaboration between these worlds can contribute to creating a positive and widespread impact on society.

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