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Receiving Skills

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Receiving Skills

Receiving Skills

Permanent citizens’ able at the Innovation Gym Fab lab

Rome Social Policy Councillor Barbara Funari believes that "Courses for youth leaving reception centres are fundamental. The use of digital tools is still limited, and these young men and women could benefit from understanding the potential, limits, and opportunities they provide to understand their interests. Over time, it could even lead to a working opportunity.” The councillor wishes to thank the Fondazione Mondo Digitale that yesterday, provided youth with “innovative experiences, such as that of learning in digital environments” [see news: The Future in Our Hands].

We would like to share some photos and short opinions on the special session of the “A Dialoguing Community. The Future in Our Hands – Formal and Informal Network for Care Leavers” Permanent Table of Citizens created by Rome’s Social Policy Councillorship, with Programme  Smart & Heart Rome. Yesterday, the Fab Lab at the Innovation Gym hosted a full day of workshops and debates amongst operators working with minors and just-over eighteens to present the activities and methodologies implemented by FMD and develop ad hoc courses that will meet the needs of the young men and women.

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