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Real-time Internship


Real-time Internship

Real-time Internship


Over the weekend, Igor Fiore, one of the students at the Fondi Itis A. Pacinotti school who is participating in the internship at the Gaeta Elettromare, can no longer withhold his enthusiasm: “My internship? It was fantastic!" Igor chose WhatsApp to share this enthusiastic message in real-time with Ana Lain, who coordinates The Italian Makers Project for the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
This experience was fantastic, just beautiful. I learned so many new things and witnessed others that I had studied at school! I met great new people and made many new older friends.
We assembled a lot of boat devices. The first time I climbed on to a boat, I was so excited. It was full of great things that I have at home, too! I learned to assemble equipment, solder wires and attach the devices on the boats.!!! I even worked in quite large boats with enormous motors and electric controls … they were almost scary! I’d never seen them before! I hope I’ll have many more experiences just like this!



This extraordinary experience was made possible thanks to the agreement signed by Headmaster Mario Fiorillo and Elettromare owner Salvatore D’Urso through The Italian Makers Project, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Inail Lazio in collaboration with CNA.


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