Today, March 31, Tullio De Mauro, Professor Emeritus of General Linguistics at Sapienza University in Rome, Former Italian Minister for Education and our President from 2001 to 2011, would have celebrated his 85th birthday.
The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, in collaboration with RAI Radio3, will remember Professor De Mauro and the significance of his teaching, today, in schools across Italy.
Further initiatives will be presented by Editor Laterza, the Fondazione “Maria e Goffredo Bellonci,” and the “Associazione Forum del libro” to promote the professor’s works on Italian culture.
In other cities, from Palermo to Verona, bookshops, libraries and universities will also participate in this initiative, organising readings of De Mauro’s works.
The initiative, in line with De Mauro’s profound sobriety, will be extremely simple: a reading at a given time, allowing people to gather and listen to his wise words.
De Mauro’s pupils and collaborators will be participating in this initiative in various Italian cities.
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