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ReActions to Truths and Falsehoods

ReActions to Truths and Falsehoods

ReActions to Truths and Falsehoods

This year, the Festivalfuturo – ReACTIONS – Time for New Choices is entirely dedicated to the awareness of a more authentic and sustainable future. Altroconsumo has also organised a debate dedicated to correct information: Learning to Distinguish Truths from Falsehoods.


In recent years, enormous efforts have been fielded to block fake news and distorted information. Even during the Covid-19 Pandemic, fake news has played a fundamental role. Indeed, they are capable of shifting equilibria, influencing choices and driving wrong behaviour. In the age of post-truths, does it still make sense to speak about true and false?


The appointment is tomorrow – Wednesday, November 25 - 5-6 pm – on Zoom. FMD Director General Mirta Michilli will participate on behalf of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.




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