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Public School Consultation

Innovazione nella scuola

Public School Consultation

Public School Consultation

Updating the PNSD, deadline: June 15

“Today, innovation is rarely the product of individual work carried out in solitude, but rather the result of the way in which we can activate, share, and integrate our knowledge with that of others.” (A. Schleicher, Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education World Class How to Build a 21st-century School System, OECD, 2018)

The General Direction for Structural Funds for Education, Educational Real Estate and Digital School (DGEFID) of the Ministry of Education and Merit (MIM) has started a consultation process to gather opinions and contributions to update the National Digital School Plan (PNSD)

Participation allows individuals to collaborate on the development of the new plan, so that it will be a co-sourced tool by all those interested in the wellbeing of schools.

The PNSD consultation will allow anyone who wishes to do so to provide their opinion. In particular, the consultation seeks the ideas and comments of professors, parents, SGA directors, and school administrative and technical personnel.

The consultation, which began on May 16, will end on June 15.  A final report with the main conclusions will be published by June 30 on the dedicated page


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