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Prehensile Robot


Prehensile Robot

Prehensile Robot



Riccardo (9) is in Class 4A at the Scuola primaria Federico Fellini, the central seat of the Rome Istituto comprensivo Belforte del Chienti. Last week, he participated in a lab at the Robotics Centre with his schoolmates and proudly showed his first built robot to his dad.

Today, the Robotics Lab welcomes programmers from class 4B at the same school, who will work with the Lego We Do Kit at the Robotics Centre at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym to create and programme simple Lego models, usually small animal robots, connected to a PC. The We Do Kit is very versatile and can also be programmed in Scratch and Raspberry. 
Educational Robotics labs are held every day, except Wednesday, at the Robotics Centre until June 2015.
To reserve a place:
Francesca Del Duca:

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