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The Power of a Dream


The Power of a Dream

The Power of a Dream



“The Italian Makers project is based on a virtuous, shared view of Italy, an Inail idea and another by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, which I thank for its ability to continuously stimulate the local interests of elder craftsmen and new aspiring artisans that are now in school. I have a dream, an idea: we should begin from our towns and create ten new enterprises for every municipality in Lazio. […] We know that it is hard to create jobs through enterprise, but it’s not impossible in a region that micro-entrepreneurial culture has made Italian products famous worldwide.
My dream is coming true. I see it here today. I urge our young friends to see a beautiful movie that will be broadcast next Monday and Tuesday (28 and 29 October) on Rai 1. It’s the story of Adrian Olivetti. If I tell you that the first computer was invented in Italy, you might not believe me. However, it’s true. Olivetti, an innovative Italian entrepreneur, put Italy on everyone’s lips for over twenty years. This is my dream. I want Inail to be at the center of a system that will allow youth to develop their dreams and invent a job. This is the objective of The Italian Makers project.”





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