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A Post-Covid Vision

A Post-Covid Vision

A Post-Covid Vision

All innovation processes require “first wins,” relatively rapid and visible success that builds trust. Where should we start out? [...] I believe that the first steps in this process require a structured and collective effort to define the strategy through the participation of a distributed and service leadership based on achievements in specific sectors.


The mobilization of this strategic consultation process could be delegated to a small steering unit appointed by the government: individuals capable of starting, communicating, motivating, applying research tools and collecting ideas, and summarizing the results generated by all participants. This process must be designed and developed with great dedication and applied with clear deadlines to avoid any delays. Such a collective strategy should be updated regularly in order to inform the current - and any future – government on the ecosystemic priorities that have emerged in the country.


Although my proposal may be a dream and hard to implement in practice, the country is currently at a historical crossroads. I feel that we are called to responsibly share our proposals for a better future, especially for the younger generations.


"Post-Covid Development: Strategic Areas for Recovery" is the title of an article on the strategies to adopt for recovery after the health emergency. The abridged article by Alfonso Molina, Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and Personal Chair in Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh (where he taught for over 20 years) was published on the Agenda Digitale magazine.


We would like to provide our community with the full version of the document (in Italian): All’Italia serve una leadership collettiva distribuita che abbia a cuore i giovani [PDF].



Post-Covid Development: Strategic Areas for Recovery

The post-Covid recovery process must focus on youth, the educational system, research and the transformation of health services. However, this will require a strategic collective definition, a distributed and service leadership based on merit. It’s not easy, but it’s possible.

Alfonso Molina, Agenda Digitale, June 17, 2020

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