Class 3I from the Istituto comprensivo Luigi Settembrini in Rome is working with Artist Silvia De Gennaro to develop a videoart work to exhibit at the MAXXI for the Media Art Festival (Rome, April 27-29).
The project has been inspired by the “History of the World in 12 Maps” and is based on the idea that each of us has a personal universe, formed by the places attended physically and mentally.
Twenty-five students are working on the project and each has created a personal galaxy formed by school and seven other worlds, just like the number of planets recently discovered by NASA: Internet, spirituality, happiness, culture, nature, adults and fears. And just as in a real solar system, each planet has its satellites.
The student data, photos and ideas on their planets will be used to develop a video that will film the movement of this immense, diverse and original galaxy throughout the day.
Interviews by Debora Cavallo [@Debora_FMD] in collaobration with Eleonora Curatola [@Eleonora_FMD].
Silvia De Gennaro’s lab at IC Settembrini is part of the initiatives for the European Light Expression Network Project that aims to promote education on art and develop new audiences, creating synergies amongst artists, schools, students, local institutions and arts and culture enterprise.
Il laboratorio di Silvia De Gennaro presso l'IC Settembrini fa parte delle iniziative del progetto European Light Expression Network per promuovere l'educazione all'arte e la sua diffusione, sviluppare nuovi segmenti di pubblico e creare sinergie tra artisti, istituti scolastici, studenti, istituzioni locali e le imprese del settore artistico e culturale.