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#PIW2016 Day Two

#PIW2016 Day Two

#PIW2016 Day Two

A study produced by the International Monetary Fund has reviewed the relations between female participation in the working world and economic growth. In Italy, the gender gap causes a 15% deficit in the GDP.

According to ILO data, the global rate of female activity is 50% and that of men 77%. For 46% of women, jobs are not long-term. It is unlikely for women to manage large enterprises. Indeed, only 5% do. And, on average, women earn 77% of what men earn, whilst they also take care of 26 hours per week of domestic work and other non-remunerated care activities (men only account for 9%). At this rate, according to the World Economic Forum, it will take 100 years to reach gender equality on the workplace.


Many believe that gender equality is not just a value per se, but also a powerful tool for human development and economic growth. This is why Project Women in Techonology (WIT), promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with the Costa Crociere Foundation, launches a challenge to 150 young women in three Italian regions - Calabria, Campania and Sicily – where the condition of young women is particularly critical due to no less than three indicators: school dropout rate, unemployment rate and female NEETs. The objective of this two-year project is to promote the entry of young women into the working world through entrepreneurial projects in the technology sector and then catalyse the entire community and region.


Day two of the Phyrtual Innovation Week, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in Rome (Octo. 3-8) is dedicated to young female students. On Tuesday, October 4, the appointment is at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym (Via del Quadraro 102) at 10:30 am with an event dedicated to “Female empowerment: how important are soft skills?”


Moderator: Mila Fiordalisi, Journalist, Corriere delle Comunicazioni



- Flavia Marzano, Councillor, Roma Capitale

- Mirta Michilli, Director General, Fondazione Mondo Digitale

- Cecilia Lalatta Costerbosa, start-upper and developer of Molecola

- Davide Triacca, Head of Costa Crociere Foundation Program

- Professors and students


The event is part of the first edition of the Phyrtual Innovation Week (Oct. 3-8, Phyrtual Innovation Gym and Campidoglio), a week of events will bring together experts to debate with decision makers and managers to discover the best didactic practices, experiment with innovative tools, and learn about the new environments at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym.


Full Programme of the Phyrtual Innovation Week



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