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PINN in Emilia Romagna

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PINN in Emilia Romagna

PINN in Emilia Romagna


Cecilia Stajano interviews Mirna Tampieri from the Rosetti School in Forlimpopoli, one of the first schools in the Regione Emilia Romagna to participate in the Pane e Internet per Nonni e Nipoti Project (PINN – “Bread and Internet for Grandparents and Grandchildren”).

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The intergenerational learning model was developed and successfully tested by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale that has organised nine editions of the Grandparents on the Internet Project in various formats in 7 Italian regions and 4 European countries.
A word by Headmaster Liliana Marchi:



For further information:
“Bread and Internet for Grandparents and Grandchildren”
The final document of the Regional Action Plan for the Elderly (Par) this project has been indicated as one of the most interesting models. It provides a specific working relationship between elders and the young tutors who tutor them towards digital literacy (e-inclusion and intergenerational relations). This idea will be implemented following the consolidated model developed by “Mondo Digitale” that features the involvement of schools and social centres to host the courses.

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