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Pink Cloud is #Steam

Pink Cloud is #Steam

Pink Cloud is #Steam

Pink Cloud activities kick off today at the Microsoft House in Milan.


Pink Cloud was first developed in 2013 to promote the diffusion of digital competences through free training programmes for thousands of young women in Italy and abroad.


The initiative, organised by Microsoft in collaboration with the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and  growITup,  will involve over 1500 students and young women from all around Italy from March to December 2017.


The activities organised by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale begin today after the official kick off on March 14 [see news Pink Cloud 2017 Kicks Off]. The new edition has introduced artistic and creative activities (from Stem to Steam: science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics).


The Digital Classroom will host Kodu labs for two primary school classes from the Istituto comprensivo Giusti with Professors Maria Farinella and Paola Pupilli. The two labs are based on Kodu Game Lab, a free educational programme developed by Microsoft that allows users to develop a full video game. Thanks to its simple user-friendly interface, Kodu can be used to introduce young programmers to advanced game design in a simple, direct and intuitive manner.


In the Open Hub, 55 students from the Liceo artistico (Brera) and the Liceo scientifico Gandini (Lodi) will explore digital art with young Milanese artist Federica Di Carlo.


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