The “A Gym for Sustainability in Ostia” Programme developed by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale in collaboration with the Department of Engineering at the Roma Tre University of Rome, is an integral part of the three-year Smart & Heart Rome – The Challenge of Equality between Centre and Suburbs Project, funded by the Department for Digital Transformation of the City of Rome.
In particular, the “A Gym for Sustainability in Ostia” PCTO course on orientation and soft skills developed for students at IIS Carlo Urbani, will address the contribution of new technology for the holistic sustainability of the cultural and architectural heritage. The course will span from recovery and restoration to the use, maintenance and communications necessary for this wealth, with a special focus on the Ostia Antica Archaeological Park. The course will provide students with learning and orientation opportunities along with on-site, authentic experiential activities. Guided by researchers, tutors and coaches, the students will be involved in the project to create knowledge and test digital solutions for the introduction of sustainability readiness to their school programme.
Starting with the central issue of school curricula and the UNESCO Document on “Learning to Become with the World” adopted by Indire, the objective of the course is to help the young generations to decode reality through a new paradigm of responsible innovation, to train their scientific citizenship, and participate actively in local sustainable development. The focus is on the active preservation of public wealth, through a profound comprehension of the environment-mankind system and the alliance of technology and sustainability to develop the jobs of the future.
The 32-hour course will allow students to develop a project for the safeguard of the Ostia Antica Archaeological Park as well as a gamified virtual tour. Classroom and lab sessions include a wide range of educational formats conceived to promote a culture of holistic sustainability by enriching ecosystemic awareness, training scientific, computational and critical thought and acquiring the digital skills necessary to develop a virtual reality app to safeguard and promote the local cultural heritage.
The course provides students with an opportunity to investigate the concepts of human and planetary sustainability as part of one systemic process and to reflect on their key role for fair, aware and sustainable growth, as well as the development of new skills for professional and research sectors in fast expansion.
The first module begins today with an exploration of gamification as a design strategy for human-machine interaction to actively involve users in a service or product. After having learned its characteristics, effects, strategies and risks, students will be introduced to a serious game as a didactic tool and for holistic promotion, especially for cultural heritage.
Ludic-Interactive Courses for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage: Learning to Play and Playing to Learn
Tuesday, May 10, 10-12
Coaches: Franco Milicchio and Lara Forgione