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PCTO with AI and Creativity

PCTO with AI and Creativity

PCTO with AI and Creativity

During the school year that has just ended, many schools employed the activities provided by Ambizione Italia for Youth in collaboration with Microsoft Italia to develop original Courses for Orientation and Soft Skills (PCTOs). Students in Year 4 and 5 classes participated in six interactive webinars (90 minutes each) organised on six thematic modules:

  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • AI and Chatbots
  • AI and the Web 
  • AI and Videogames
  • AI and Marketing
  • AI and Professions of the Future


At the end of the virtual courses, students were asked to work collaboratively on a project based on their newly acquired skills. We received over 500 project proposals. Here are some examples:


  • Elisa, a student at the Liceo Scientifico Enrico Fermi in Cosenza (Prof. Rosanna Tucci), received a participation certificate for the free course available on LinkedIn Learning, Become a Data Analyst (23.37 hours).
  • Team "Cucina with noi" represented by Aida Maria, a student at the Liceo Scientifico Innocenzo XII in Anzio, in the Province of Rome (Prof. Manuela Tirocchi), developed a recipe blog following the free courses available on the Microsoft Learn and LinkedIn Learning platforms.
  • Team "VWZ", composto of Simone, Daniel and William from IIS Amedeo Avogadro in Turin, (Prof. Maria Grazia Maffucci), developed a videogame called Fun of Knight on the Unity Platform.

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