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The Pandemic Test

The Pandemic Test

The Pandemic Test

We met strong smile of Stella Perrone six years ago, in 2014, at the Rome for the fourth edition of the Knowledge Volunteers Award.


Stella, who at the time was a teacher at IIS Alberto Castigliano in Asti, won the “Best Volunteer Teacher Innovating Didactics” for having coordinated Amongst Generations. United for Work, the project organized in collaboration with Google and CNA Pensionati. The intergenerational learning method involved craftsmen and enterprises in experimenting an “ideal school” to reduce the misalignment between with market and create new local job opportunities. The school, administered by Ugo Rapetti, would also stay open in the evening and was attended by students from many different generations.


"I knew that this was a test year … but I didn’t imagine I’d have to face a pandemic!". On the telephone with Cecilia Stajano [@CStajano], Stella continues to smile, notwithstanding everything. Starting this year, she is the Head Mistress at IIS Vittorio Alfieri in Asti. And she landed this new role amidst the health emergency.


In her conversation with Cecilia, Stella relayed the strength of her values, the abilities of her team, sharing, the importance of relations and the distance that has made them even stronger and more solid. At school, digital tools – which the administrator envisages light a large new house – can no longer be an occasional working mode, but one that must be perfected and fully “lived.” This is the greatest lesson of this school year, and innovation cannot be improvised.


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