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A Pact for the Future


A Pact for the Future

A Pact for the Future


Notwithstanding the cold weather, Eugenio Lezza, deputy Headmaster of ITTS A. Volta in Tivoli, heartily warmly welcomed the representatives of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, INAIL Lazio, students and grandparents.
Antonio Napolitano, Regional Director of INAIL Lazio, immediately won over the students with the example of his father, a craftsman, with whom he made a bet when he was young: to graduate and never give up. Now, “I want to make a promise with all of you,” explained Napolitano. “We must remodel the world on the basis of your dreams and needs. My father used to say that he planted trees because the have deep roots that resist storms. It was a way of leaving something deeply rooted in the world. And what will you leave to the world?” A beautiful metaphor that culminated with a decalogue of rules: commitment, responsibility, knowledge and self-reliance.



What the Fondazione Mondo Digitale and INAIL Lazio have done together with the schools involved in Project e-Care Family is a concrete example of how we can change the world. Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale explained how e-Care Family has led to the creation of a multi-sector alliance amongst institutions, youth, elders, Inail members, third sector and schools. This is a human heritage that reaches far beyond the world of school. It’s what the European Community refers to as a global challenge. “This is your century and you have to prepare to face the difficult challenges that await you as protagonists,” Prof. Molina concluded.
Director Napolitano and Prof. Molina presented the awards – a 500 and a 1000-euro voucher - to IIS Midossi di Civita Castellana and ITTS Volta in Tivoli, the two schools that won the "Knowledge Volunteers – Prevention and Safety Special Edition".
For further information: Photo Gallery

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