Since 2017, APIAFCO - Associazione psoriasici italiani amici della Fondazione Corazza, an Italian association for people suffering from psoriasis, fights daily for the right to health and quality of life of psoriasis patients.
APIAFCO objectives also include information and patient empowerment, to raise public awareness on the issues of psoriasis patients and stimulate the patients themselves to learn more about their condition. The association. Is part of the collaborative Factor J Network, since the first edition of the programme.
Ludovica Donati (28) is a young coach with the association who holds educational sessions in schools. “I must say that I was pleasantly surprised as many students are aware about – some on their own skin – psoriasis. This may be due to the fact that it affects nearly 3% of the Italian population. In any case, the students were very receptive and curious to learn more about this pathology,” explains Ludovica. “It certainly is very important to concentrate on correct information regarding our health. Young men and women must learn to rely on reliable sources and understand sensitive issues that remain delicate and concern this sector.”
Ludovica was touched by the students’ enthusiasm. “They listened carefully and understood that these are important issues concerning a pathology that can arise at any age.”
Ludovica feels there is not generational difference with the pathology, just a different way of information: “The disease is the same, and how one faces it is very subjective, independently from a patient’s age. Certainly, these students must pay attention to the news they find on-line, as they have the Internet, but it can be a dangerous, two-sided tool.”
“Psoriasis affects all sexes and age groups. For adolescents, it is important that they do not feel judged or isolated (or self-isolated) due to this disease. There are cures today to keep psoriasis under control.”
Indeed, cures have also changed. “We strive to help people suffering from psoriasis and their families, especially in spirit. We aim to be empathic and provide concrete help,” explains Ludovica. “Today, there certainly is a more profound approach to psoriasis, which is no longer just considered a skin problem, but a complex and systemic pathology.”
The word-image chosen by Ludovica to summarise the Factor J experience is travel: "an adventure in Italian schools that we hope has enriched students, teachers and families.”
Project Factor J , promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale with Janssen Italia, is the first curriculum to integrate empathy and the development of emotional intelligence in traditional Italian school curricula and educate young men and women on health and prevention issues, raising the awareness on the respect due to those living in conditions of fragility and consolidating trust in science, an important social operation to stimulate cultural change and mentality, starting from the new generations.