Eighteen over-60s are back in school at the Liceo Tullio Levi Civita for the first lesson of Going Digital, a project promoted with the City of Rome. The aged students come from three elderly centres in districts 5 of the city: Villa Gordiani, Lepetit and Luigi Petroselli.
In particular, District 5 is Rome’s most heavily populated area. In recent years, it has registered the highest increase in elderly centre membership: over 19% for a total of nearly 11,000 individuals aged 65 and above. This is an important signal for importance of elderly centres for the active ageing of the population. And this is why they did not pass on the precious educational opportunity provided by Going Digital, explains Villa Gordiani President Domenico Massaro.
The students from the elderly centres were welcomed by 18 students from various classes at the Liceo Levi Civita, coordinated by Alessandro Bellia, Professor of Mathematics and Physics. Together they will face the challenge of learning about the services provided by digital economics and society.