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Open Days in Bruxelles

Open Days in Bruxelles

Open Days in Bruxelles

The Brussels Open Days on the European Week of Regions and Cities (October 12-15) is promoted by the EU Committee of Regions and the European Commission.


The 13th edition of the Open Days dedicated to “Partners for Growth, Innovation and Development” will include over 140 workshops in 30 different locations with ca. 600 speakers and about 6000 participants.


"The Open Days are a key event for everyone who works with EU Structural Funds to promote employment and education, improve quality of urban life, social inclusion, SME innovation, mobility and public services,” explains to the ANSA news agency, Markku Markkula, President of the EU Committee of Regions. “Thousands of participants will share experiences, identify problems and work on solutions. Moreover, there will also be a political debate on local growth and innovation.”

Today, at 2:30 pm, FMD Director General Mirta Michilli will participate in the workshop on “Smart Cities, Social and Technological Innovation: What is the Right Mix?” with a presentation on “Smart&Heart Cities, Education for Life and the Innovation Gym: a strategic initiative in the City of Rome”.


The Smart & Heart City Model developed by Alfonso Molina, Professor of Technology Strategy at the University of Edinburgh and Scientific Director of the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, will be at the centre of the International Smart & Heart Cities event that will be held in Rome on October 27-30 and promoted in collaboration with the City of Rome, Eurocities and Forum PA.




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