2 min.
The occasion is the Open Day at the 159° Circolo didattico “Magliana” that was held on May 21.
At the end of every school year, the school opens up its classrooms to families and neighbourhood residents to exhibit the work accomplished by the scholastic community.
The Open Day includes theatrical plays, games, competitions, music therapy and food stands organized by the parents amongst the art work generated by the wild imagination of the students in classes IIIB and IVC. These include Gocciolina and Acquagirl, two art projects created for Project Digital Bridge: a technological bridge with the Saharawi People.
The water theme, developed by teachers Gigliola Cutonilli, Elena Lo Zoppo and Mirella Di Carlo with the constant support of Flavia Ortolani from Bambini+Diritti contributed to raising awareness amongst the young students and their families on the difficult life conditions of those peoples who have little access to fundamental resources for life.
In the audio clip, teacher Gigliola explains the meaning of the Open Day and the value of Project Digital Bridge for didactics.
Many of the visitors were attracted to the Digital Bridge panels on the value of water for man and nature. A cardboard cloud with many thoughts as droplets of water was a big hit.
“Digital Bridge fits perfectly into an open didactic context. It has developed concrete strategies for acceptance and integration," explains Clara Simeone, the headmaster. “Every summer we host Saharawi children for about a month and the classes love this project.”