1 min.
A long article published by The New York Times - “A Tentacled, Flexible Breakthrough” – reports on Projects Octopus and PoseiDrone and the development of flexible bio-inspired robots. Bio-robotics observes nature to understand its fundamental principles and transform them into new technology.
Octopus was presented in Rome, over four years ago, at the RomeCup 2011 (March 14-16, 2011), thanks to the collaboration of Clax Italia, Scuola superiore S. Anna di Pisa, Università Campus Bio-medico of Rome and Mediterraneum-Acquario di Roma. An aquarium was installed in Piazza del Campidoglio to host an exhibition of robotic fish, including Octopus.
On the blog (in Italian): Biorobotica - Octopus nuota dalla RomeCup fino al New York Times