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An Oasis of Peace for …


An Oasis of Peace for …

An Oasis of Peace for …


What really is crowdfunding? Participation, community, social networking, co-creation ... That’s why on the page dedicated to the An Oasis of Peace and Beauty Project, the students from the Liceo C. Cavalleriin Parabiago launched a survey to evaluate public opinions on their project:
Click and vote!

Silvia Orlando (18), testimonial for the An Oasis of Peace and Beauty Project: 
Our project is not just a plan, it’s a piece of us and contains our expectations, our efforts. It’s a collective class project that addresses the entire community.
One day, we would like to see the park full of children, students, adults and elders and be able to say: this is the project that we all created together. This is our oasis of peace and beauty!


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