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Not Only ICT


Not Only ICT

Not Only ICT



Thirty-six percent of students believe that ICT have no real effect on learning, while 34.9% believes the effects are positive. Surprisingly, 28.9% believe they are negative. This is what the Censis survey on "Digital Natives and Educational Emergency" conducted in Calabria reveals.
"Technology alone is not sufficient" explains Professor Emeritus Tullio De Mauro in an article published on August 28th on Italia Oggi entitled "E-learning Snubbed by the Young".
Minister Profumo believes a bidirectional process has replaced the linear process of learning that entails a teacher and a learner. In fact, it is already implanted into the DNA of our youth and we might even go as far as considering these two roles to be interchangeable. And Minister Profumo mentioned the success of the Grandparent on the Internet Programme, promoted by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale, to back up his considerations.


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