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Next Week’s Appointments

Next Week’s Appointments

Next Week’s Appointments

CodeWeek, the European week dedicated to programming, continues full force with Fondazione Mondo Digitale coaches working around Italy until October 20. Various events are scheduled for next week in this context. There will be the Jobbing Fest in Potenza (Tuesday), the CS First League at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym (Wednesday), a special session of Code Week a Milan for public employees at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym (Thursday) and the Festival della crescita in Milan (Friday). Also on Friday, the three-day Maker Faire starts in Rome.


Courses for Programme Vagone FMD at the Rome Termini Binario F will be held on: Monday 14 (second meeting for third sector, see agenda); Thursday, 17 (third meeting over-60s and students, see agenda); and Friday 18 (first meeting for the Turn the Camera Course with 45 students from six schools in Lazio, see agenda).


Also in collaboration with Facebook, Project Living Digital will reach four cities: Cagliari, Iglesias, Rome and Reggio Calabria, while She Means Business will meet with female entrepreneurs in NaplesPotenzaMatera and Reggio Calabria.


Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools allows younger children to participate in interactive labs on artificial intelligence. Three out of five appointments at the Milan Microsoft House are dedicated top middle school students (Pellico in Appiano Gentile, Calvino and Convitto Longone in Milan) with Coaches Samuele Sciacca, Eleonora Arnese, Nicola Stella and Manuel Serra.


Less than one week after the press conference for the presentation of its sixth edition [see news: Coding is Freedom], the Coding Girls are already at work in Milan and Bologna.


The Free Course on Cultural Marketing Techniques, promoted with the Consorzio Ro.Ma. and the Gema Business School to train a new generation of cultural marketing specialists, begins on Wednesday at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym with Coach Irene Caretti.


Project Computer Science First, promoted with Google, will be at IC Montalcini in Rome on Monday and host the CS First League at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym on Wednesday.


As usual, over the weekend, the digital manufacturing lab (Fab Lab) at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym is open to the maker community: Saturday-Sunday from 3:30 to 8:30 pm.


Google Calendar allows you to follow all scheduled events and save the activities you are interested in in your personal agenda.


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