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A New Year with OpenSpace

A New Year with OpenSpace

A New Year with OpenSpace

Con i bambini tweets “the true party is going back to school,” notwithstanding the fact that one out of every seven students abandon school before receiving a diploma. This is why “we work together to contrast school dropouts and educational poverty” and especially so with Project OpenSpace, selected by “Con i Bambini” as part of the Fund to contrast the educational poverty of minors (Adolescents Call), working in suburban areas of Bari, Milan, Palermo and Reggio Calabria.


Activities for the new year kick off at the Phyrtual Innovation Gym Coding Lab in Milan. For three days, starting from today, the five year-one classes at the Istituto comprensivo Madre Teresa di Calcutta will explore Scratch, the language that makes programming fun to learn with Coach Irene Caretti.


On Friday 10, two first-year classes from the Istituto comprensivo Via De Andreis, a satellite school, will work on digital manufacturing with Coach Rosa Spatafora.


Moreover, afternoon digital manufacturing activities begin again tomorrow at the Milan Phyrtual Innovation Gym, every Wednesday and Friday.


#Epifania: la vera festa è tornare a #scuola

Secondo i dati @openpolis #conibambini, in Italia circa un giovane su 7 abbandona gli studi prima del diploma.

Lavoriamo insieme per contrastare dispersione scolastica e #povertàeducativa

— Con i Bambini (@ConiBambini) January 5, 2020

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