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A New Job with Smile


A New Job with Smile

A New Job with Smile

Places are still available. Choose your course!

Places are still available to participate in Smile (acronym standing for SMart Innovative Learning for Employment). The project, selected and supported by the Digital Republic Fund – Social Enterprise, helps unemployed individuals aged 34-50 anni in Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Piedmont, Lombardy, and Tuscany find work, following 120 hours of smart track training to develop and reinforce digital skills. Participation is free.

The modular and flexible courses are divided into three areas (40 hours each): 

  • Life Skills (stress management, empathy, critical thinking, etc.)
  • Basic Digital Skills – from Microsoft 365 (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.) to generative artificial intelligence 
  • Professional Digital Skills (applied skills for specific sectors)

Go to PARTICIPATE IN SMILE and find out which courses are still open. All the courses last 120 hours over 11 weeks (60 hours synchronous + 60 asynchronous).

Hurry up!


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