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New AI Class in Milan

New AI Class in Milan

New AI Class in Milan

During the new school year, Programme Ambizione Italia for Schools at the Microsoft House in Milan will have a new more flexible and accessible AI Class.


The Milan hub has been redesigned thanks to the contribution of the C2 Group, a leader in the design and supply of technology-integrated school environments, that has transformed the AI Class into a classroom that will allow experimentation of a range of didactic methodologies. Particular shapes, their robustness and the possibility to optimize spaces, will allow a range of different lab set-ups to promote communication, collaboration and the critical reasoning of students. Group work will become easier and allow all students to participate actively and feel more included.


The new AI Class will be inaugurated by students from the Istituto comprensivo Pasquale Sottocorno in Milan with Coach Eleonora Arnese. Tomorrow, the hub will host other classes from the same school with Coach Michele Pierangeli, while on Friday it will be the turn of students from Brescia, coordinated by Silvia Ceroni, who will participate in an interactive lab on artificial intelligence held by Manuel Serra. Also, on Friday, September 27, the first teacher training course will be held by Andrea Marachioli in Brescia.


Programme “Ambizione Italia for Schools“ also continues in Rome at its main hub, the Phyrtual Innovation Gym. The AI Lab will welcome students from the Istituto comprensivo Viale dei Consoli and a delegation from the Chilean Government in Rome to study the Italian scholastic inclusion model.


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