The third sector has an enormous – nearly inexhaustible – narrative capital. Stories of workers, of individuals who have been helped, integrated, recuperated or oriented. It’s a capital that is often locked inside an association’s rooms or in the memories of its operators, but it should be valued and communicated to make it available to everyone, to generate knowledge and eliminate false and misleading narrations. Digital tools and services can be used to provide a positive and regenerating counter-narration. They are accessible, can reach anyone and have very low cost compared to traditional communication campaigns. And the stories will become concise and clear, directly reaching their targets.
The course for third sector operators, held by Nicoletta Vulpetti, is part of the new Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100 Programme that will address digital culture and digital literacy with requalification sessions on digital competences. The course begins today (Friday, September 20). The appointment is at 3 pm at Binario F, Rome Termini Railway Station (Via Marsala 29/h).
Course for third sector operators with Nicoletta Vulpetti
- Sept. 20, 2019, 3-6 pm
- Oct. 14, 2019, 3-6 pm
- Nov. 13, 2019, 3-6 pm
- Dec. 3, 2019, 2:30–6:00 pm (special session of StorySchool with Livia Iacolare, Strategic Media Partnerships at Facebook)
Nicoletta Vulpetti
After having spent most of her professional life at Hill+Knowlton Strategies, one of the largest public relations agencies worldwide, in January 2019, Nicoletta Vulpetti opted for a change. She decided to provide her communication skills, enthusiasm and curiosity to people, projects and visions in a constant search for quality and relations. And stories that need to be told.
“Vagone FMD. Da 01 a 100” is the programme that the Fondazione Mondo Digitale began hosting in October 2018 at Binario F, the Rome Facebook facility dedicated to the development of digital competences, hosted by the LVenture Group anbd LUISS EnLabs Hub at the Rome Termini Railway Station (Via Marsala 29/h) [see Vagone FMD edition 2019 – first semester and Vagone FMD edition 2018 (in Italian)].
Programme Vagone FMD is part of the Manifesto per la Repubblica Digitale