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My Rome: How to Pay Fines

My Rhome

My Rome: How to Pay Fines

My Rome: How to Pay Fines

Visiting the Digital House of Citizens

The Digital House of Citizens  (My Rhome) provides access, following authentication, to the Rome Council’s custom-tailored on-line services (the so-called "rooms"). A single channel allows citizens to communicate with the Capitoline Administration, learn about any administrative procedure, monitor the status of ongoing practices, and participate in initiatives in which they are, or would like to be, involved, performing all necessary operations in a few simple steps.

So, how does it work? How can one request and download certificates?  Here is a short explanatory video produced at the Innovation Gym  as part of Programme Smart & Heart Rome, promoted with the Department for Digital Transformation of the Rome Council, which explains how to access the service and request, for example, a “state of the family” certificate. The protagonists of this short real life tutorial are Giorgia and a young citizen who needs to pay an on-line fine.

The Digital House of Citizens is accessible from the welcome page and the reserved area of the city portal, following identification with the Public Digital Identity System (SPID), the Electronic ID Card (CIE) or with the National Service Card (CNS).

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